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Órgano convocante:
Colectivo al que se dirige: - Estudiante
Categoría: Convocatoria
Presentación Solicitudes: del 07/02/2023 al 26/03/2023
Fecha Resolución:

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The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF@IFISC)

The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF@IFISC) program is part of one of the IFISC compromises: to offer training for the future generations of researchers in the field of complex systems.


Since 2013 we offer fellowships for introduction to academic research under the supervision of an IFISC researcher. These fellowships are aimed at world-wide undergraduate students of physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology and engineering.


SURF@IFISC fellows are enrolled in cutting-edge research topics, eventually leading to scientific publications and research prizes. They are also invited to take part in the seminars which occur weekly at the Institute.


For more information click on this link.
