In parallel with the previous sections, the I3A establishes general Research Support Services, created on the initiative of the UCLM’s management bodies or its own Board of Directors. The most outstanding is the Galgo Supercomputing Service, a heterogeneous system that has grown in different phases of expansion. It currently consists of 105 servers with more than 2TB of RAM and almost 50TB of disk storage.
Galgo allows to approach great scientific projects of world-wide interest, whose solution passes by the calculation of high benefits. The development of a regional climate model, the calculation of high-speed train feeding lines, the resolution of air traffic models (in collaboration with leading companies of the aeronautical sector settled in the Albacete’s aeronautical park), or the analysis of medical images for the early detection of diseases are some examples of the application of this solid bet of the UCLM at the disposal of the scientific community and the productive sector of Castilla-La Mancha.
Galgo supercomputing service descriptive video