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Within Key Action 1 (KA1) of the Erasmus+ programme

The UCLM receives 1.2 million euros to carry out their mobility projects with staff and students

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The UCLM receives 1.2 million euros to carry out their mobility projects with staff and students


The University of Castilla-La Mancha has received 1.2 million euros within the framework of Key Action 1 (KA1) from the Erasmus + programme to carry out mobility projects for staff and students including teaching and research and administration and services staff. As its core features in 2021-2027 , the new Erasmus + programme includes digitalization, environmental sustainability , inclusion and diversity.

In this respect, and in order to facilitate mobility among students, professors and administration and services staff, " this new measure enables more flexible stays, obtaining linguistic support tools for language learning and improved help for encouraging participation”, the Vice-chancellor´s Office for Internationalization stated.

Among the most outstanding  news is the creation of a digital European student  card,funding for making ecological trips, incentivising mobility for doctorate students  and new Blended Intensive Programmes. These enable groups from higher education institutions to work in a team for learning initiatives and combine physical mobilities with virtual work in short stays abroad.

UCLM Communication Office Toledo, 23rd of  November  2021.


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