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Abstract submission: April 30, 2023

REHABEND 2024 Congress (May 07th, 2024). Abstract submission is open

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REHABEND 2024 Congress (May 07th, 2024). Abstract submission is open


The Euro-American Congress REHABEND 2024 on Construction Pathology, Rehabilitation Technology and Heritage Management will be held in Gijon (Asturias, Spain), in May 2024

The Euro-American Congress REHABEND 2024 on Construction Pathology, Rehabilitation Technology and Heritage Management will be held in Gijon (Asturias, Spain), on May 07th,  2024.

The event is organized by several organizations from European and American countries, and it is co-chaired by the University of Cantabria and the University of Oviedo.

REHABEND 2024 continues the series of nine previous REHABEND international events, which had been developed since 2006 in different Spanish cities. The previous one, in 2022, was held in Granada (Spain). In 2022 edition, more than 295 papers were presented by Professionals and Researchers from 34 countries and it became a conference of great interest according to the congress attendees.

The Abstract submission is open. The information related to Abstract and Paper Submission is available here (https://www.rehabend.unican.es/2024/authors/). The official languages are, as usual, English, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish (in alphabetical order).

Important dates:

  • ABSTRACT submission: April 30, 2023
  • ACCEPTANCE notification: May 15, 2023
  • FULL PAPER submission: July 31, 2023

+ info: REHABEND 2024 (unican.es)
